November 24, 2010 at 10:56 am (Uncategorized) (, , , )

What difference does it make, the closet that I use?

Yesterday it was nothing, today you blow a fuse.

Why ever does it matter where I go to shop?

You did not bat an eye last week, today you’re going to pop.

You’re angry when I’m happy, you’re happy when I’m not.

It’s impossible to please you, I can’t connect the dots.

You play with words and truth, and then call me a liar.

My nerves are stretched to breaking from walking this high wire.

You seem to love to argue, you always want to fight.

I try so to avoid this, I try to keep things light.

But even in a perfect world you will find something wrong,

you’re happiest a critic and do it all day long.

Who it is I’m talking to when chatting on the phone,

demanding every whereabout; I’m never left alone.

It really doesn’t matter though, what I say or do

because it’s not about me; it is always, ever you.

~ Survivor Squared

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