November 26, 2010 at 12:41 pm (Uncategorized) (, , , , , , )

Yesterday a joyful day to wed my man of dreams;

today a day of nightmares, he’s not what first he seemed.

I married Dr. Jekyll but uncovered Mr. Hyde;

there does not seem an end to this roller coaster ride.

Constant is the shifting to hatefulness and worse;

barbs that pierce my very soul within each angry curse.

Living by the moment, clinging to the cross;

I weep for what I thought once was, illusions ever lost.

Today my dream man visits me when I am wide awake;

the guise of loving husband is the form that he will take.

Tomorrow comes the nightmare I do not wish to face;

with raging horrid words that my mind cannot erase.

To others who surround us he seems the average guy;

no one e’er suspects what teems and writhes inside.

So which will be the one that I awaken to today?

Please let it be the dream, this fervently I pray.

~ Survivor Squared

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