November 24, 2010 at 12:05 pm (Uncategorized) (, , , , , )

Where is the joy to be found in my life?

So much is sorrow, so much is strife.

Shackled in torment to an unbeliever,

I see no redemption in this angry deceiver.

But God’s word commands that I remain wed,

no matter what he has done and said.

That he might be saved through this wretch that is me,

I pray for his salvation to see.

My spirit is growing increasingly frail,

to the Lord again and again do I wail.

I plead for an end to the pain in my heart,

for mine eyes only see until death do us part.

Yet my God is awesome in both mercy and grace,

He has already ordained the time and the place.

He asks only that I believe in Him,

for He can overcome all sin.

It is through His mercy I live each day,

knowing my Father will show me the way.

~ Survivor Squared

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